May 2011

The Silence Of Nature - 2011




Under the high patronage and presence of H.E, the Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Salim Sayegh and under the theme “The Silence of Nature,” alfa, organized an artistic exhibition and contest of posters for children of the Father Andeweg for the Deaf and Mute (FAID), on the sidelines of the “Garden Show” in the Hippodrome- Beirut. The “Silence of Nature” concluded training workshops organized in the framework of “alfa 4-Life” for children of FAID, underlining that, once provided with support and attention, children with communication needs, can overcome physical difficulties, showcasing

great and notable talents, similar to any other member of the society.


“My name is Marwa Fakhro, and I have participated with alfa in the painting workshop, by drawing expressive paintings about the forest. This initiative made me learn more about the importance of the forest and gave me the opportunity to express myself and expose my talent more. I hope to become a painter in the future.”

Marwa Fakhro

FAID student